Darocsi Technology

modern technology
made easy for you

Experts with Practical Knowledge

Get access to professional technologists

Darocsi Technology was formed by and is comprised of technology enthusiasts across various fields. We are passionate software developers, skillful graphics designers, dedicated IT professionals, and experienced video editors. We create software, maintain 24/7 servers, offer technological support, and build websites.

For us, computers are not just a job, they are our passion. Consequently, we are always learning. We love to find ways to learn and then utilize new skill sets or technologies in order to help our clients work more efficiently.

Solving Everyday Problems

Simple but professional-grade solutions to help you

Technology can be used to solve an assortment of issues, ranging from the simple to the complex. However, many times technology is used in a costly and convoluted way in order to solve a simple problem or one that doesn’t even exist. We want to focus on your everyday problems and how we can solve them as efficiently and as cheaply as possible.

We bring enterprise-level, premium technology skills and solutions. Our team is highly skilled at examining pain points, designing systems, prototyping possible solutions, and delivering a final product that works for you.

With Integrity

We work with honesty and transparency

Because technology can be extremely complicated, it can be hard for an individual to understand all the moving parts. This makes it easy to professional technologists to severely up-charge their clients in many ways. When a client tries to figure out what is going on, they’ll be told “that’s the way it needs to be” before being given a multi-paragraph explanation of technological mumbo jumbo. We don’t do that.

Every decision we make in building a solution has a practical reason. We won’t get defensive if you ask us questions. We’re happy to slow down and explain why we’re doing what we’re doing. Your experience or inexperience with technology will not make it difficult for you to work with us. We can get as technical or as simple as you need.

What We Can Offer You


Software Name


Product Name


Cost effective, industry level assistance in various technological areas

Website Development and Hosting

Technology Consultancy

Skill Up Training


Technology Name